Devlog 02: Prototyping and Artbible

So this week we work on starting our ArtBible and perfecting further prototypes.



So as stated before we started defining our ArtBible and working further on our workflow Guidelines. 

So far we've managed to get approximately to 50% of our ArtBible.We've started with thoroughly analyzing our References and Moodboards. Then taking that acquired knowledge and we've used it to create documentation and basic guidelines for our own future style. 

Mainly when it comes to basics backgrounds, foregrounds, lightings and the world as a whole. We've also touched upon character and RFX design, these will be further explored and analyzed in the week to come.

However all of these raised the urgency of making more of our own examples and asset tests which at the current time are lacking a bit. So that's another thing you can look forward to.  

Further testing

We've also managed to do some further testing in the areas of texturing and pixelization of our hand painted textures, this way we may create a full on hand painted texture or a 2D character sprite and then change it to pixel art of our chosen resolution later.  

VF material 

We've also tested out some VF materials we may use to create an illusion of speed.


Here our core grapple movement mechanic was tested and experimented further and it's in a quite nice and fluent state. Compared to the previous prototype we have a much better aiming mechanism which makes the gameplay much more enjoyable. We've also prototyped punching and decided that we will be using unreal 5.0 instead of unreal 5.1 because of its current technical difficulties with local multiplayer.

Files 219 MB
Mar 13, 2023

Get Grapple-It Out

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